on 14-11-2014 11:45 AM - last edited on 14-11-2014 04:35 PM by kh-enas
Well , a buyer bought 18 paper items from me which i combined ship in single package ..Weight wont even be 100 grams forget 500 or so ...
Ebay Powership assigned me Aramex as logistic partner which took the pick up .later on i see i have been charged 480 rs for a package with 18 paper in it weighing less than 250 grams ..if only i submit direclty to courier without powership it wil charge me only 90 rs
Thanks to logistics department who says that yes Ebay has charged you right WoW...i mean with so high charges i eventually made LOSS on my package and single package for 480rs is like CRAZY charges..
All i want to say is what is advantage of combine ship ? i charge 50rs for shipping and pay 480rs for shipping who the hell will make profit .
I would like to thanks *** of ebay powership who told me that we have charged u correctly and this is how we will charge .
Just be Sure ..I am unsubscribing from powership immediately .