Hi All,
i think if eBay just gives a prompt to all the members before leaving a feedback, like, are you sure with your feedback? or some thing pop up which says feedback once left cannot be revised, please use your feedback wisely. press ok to continue, cancel to revise.
this way i guess a negative feedback can easily be avoided, cuz most of the buyers leave negative feedback unknowingly, and eBay doesn't educate buyers on how to use feedback system effectively. i have seen most of the buyers leave negative or neutral feedback without even contacting the seller, so probably, we can include the check marks as well (should appear at the moment when buyer selects negative or neutral radio button) for eg.
1) Have you contacted the seller before leaving this feedback?
2) Was your seller unable to resolve your problem?
3) Are you sure your feedback is 100% genuine (think again if you are not 100% sure)
4) would you like to communicate with the buyer before leaving negative feedback?
if customer selects option 4, then they should be taken straight away to a message box where they can enter their question before leaving negative feedback, same mail should be forwarded to the seller on high priority with the subject line - question from your buyer before leaving -ve feedback. window to resolve this should be no more than 48-72 hours and the eBay should again send a mail to the buyer after that time to check if their problem is solved or not.if not then such seller 110% deserves a negative.
Not sure if it is practical to apply or not, but i seriously think this can reduce negatives in a great ratio.
any comments any one?
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