ebay should directly give email addresses of the concerned department on contact us tab, also one should have access via phone as most of the time there is a communication gap, an email with 3-4 questions is sent back with 1-2 replies
I am totally disillusioned with the autction selling in Ebay. I put for auction couple of items and each time its bid by people with no ratings (0) and disappear after the bid is over . Its wastage of time and money. Ebay should bar people with no rating from entering Auction process atleast
I am rajesh rai,I was purchased on Item on 5/3 and make payment through Internet banking payment dtls is "bill/000014871347/EBAY INDIA PVT LTD/16513245364 Dt 7/3/06 Amt Rs.1075 and reccived Payment reccipt confermation fram sellar side,But Till today I am not recived Item.Now what I can do.The item was-Item No.7596657922.