Dear Sellers and Ebay Team, I would like to bring to your notice that the FVF which are granted to us are not reflecting in my invoice. I have filed FVF for item nos 7558357215, 7557803885, 5822629377. The FVF has been granted but its not reflecting in my invoice. I would greatly Appreciate if Ebay could resolve the issue ASAP. I also mailed your epartment but I got a copy paste reply that "On checking our records ,I noticed that you have already been granted
credit for the above mentioned item number however the same is not
reflecting in your account. I wish to inform you that I have forwarded
this to the concerned department and they are currently looking into the
I appreciate your patience and understanding in this matter".
I mean I am eligible for this fees then why the hell its taking so long time??..Just give me credit. If we dont pay the fees you start mailing us and suspend our account. I need My FVF..Kindly reflect in my invoice