buyer threatening of blocking my ebay account

Community Member
hi all,

i listed an item kaspersky 2010, link is given below

now i sold it to many ppl, every one who bought read what is is and then bought it, i think every buyer must read what he is buying.

now a buyer whose id is

bought it from me and i shipped it to him.

now he calls me saying that he saw the picture of box and it is on the plain cd , and he asked for refund
in my listing i clearly mentioned that i will ship in plain cd only,
now he didnt allowed me to explain that he misread the item description and said that i sent the pirated version.

now i have the box from which i have sent the key to him.

it is not pirated, i simply redistributed it to 3 plain cds and sold it to 3 diff persons.

now he is threatening me of negative feedback and my account suspension and blah blah

main thing is that he didnt allowed me to speak a single word, i kept on saying " sir , kindly let me explain , that you have misunderstood and if you have problem i will make a full refund" but he didnt try to listen and kept on arguing.

now as a seller are we like a slave and as a buyer he is like a king, that we have to pray in front of him just because he is threatening me.

kindly help me, what shall i do against this buyer.

amit saini
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buyer threatening of blocking my ebay account

Community Member
hi all

is there any way that i can write to ebay about this???

Message 2 of 9
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buyer threatening of blocking my ebay account

Community Member
Hello Mr. Amit Saini,

I saw your Kaspersky Listing, Its illegal to sell a non-boxed pack and more over you are selling 3 user license to 3 different people.

Also please communicate in good language, For one of your negative feedback, you have replied as "The USER is a s s h o l e, was told in every way that it is genuine, fkk off"

Is this the way to reply to your customers? ---------------
With Regards,
Navaneeth (snrama) 😉
With Regards,
Navaneeth (snrama) 😉
Message 3 of 9
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buyer threatening of blocking my ebay account

mr snrama is absolutely right. amit as a senior member i advised you to do not use abusive languge in feedback profile. and selling 3 user pack to 3 diff people is illegal.
Message 4 of 9
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buyer threatening of blocking my ebay account

amit u r doing wrong thing on ebay
if the buyer complaint to ebay that u have abuse him (which is visible to every 1) so ebay can remove u forever

in business always be calm
and like snrama said its illegal to sell the cd like u sold

just call ur seller and ask him wat he want if he wants refund kindly give it to him so next time he wud be happy and wud deal with u
Message 5 of 9
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buyer threatening of blocking my ebay account

Forget to complain the buyer Mr Amit Saini. You are really selling pirated CDs. You cannot "Redistribute" the CDS to three people. It seems that either you are ignorant or trying to fool everyone here.
Message 6 of 9
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buyer threatening of blocking my ebay account

Community Member
I know not much about piracy and all.

But the CDS which this particular seller is selling comes with rights to install in 3 different PCs may be he is using this particular thing to do business. I have my doubts if it is really anything illegal .. I may be wrong as many software companies do not consider reselling these things legitimate.

But that abusive language you have used, I am very sure your days on eBay with this id are numbered. I will really advice you to get in touch with eBay team yourself and get it removed else inrs sees it and you are gone.
Message 7 of 9
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buyer threatening of blocking my ebay account

Community Member
Hi linusstudios,

Selling a Kaspersky 3 User (Single Pack) to three different customers (by giving same CD Key / Serial Key) is illegal.

If this comes into knowledge of Kaspersky anti-piracy team, then the seller will land in trouble. This will happen if the buyer goes to consumer court or report it to Kaspersky. ---------------
With Regards,
Navaneeth (snrama) 😉
With Regards,
Navaneeth (snrama) 😉
Message 8 of 9
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buyer threatening of blocking my ebay account

Community Member
so , this means whatever buyers says i have to agree regardless of what he does,
I did removed this kind of listing after mail from ebay.
But my simple question is this,
Are buyers blind or what, didnt i mentioned what i was selling, whats the point of blackmailing or threatening here?
Message 9 of 9
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