Hi tanya,
I am an ebay member from 22ndDec,2008.Till now i have only a lil sale and paid Ebayfee upto 900/-app.How can i increase my sale ,Can you help me in this way?Tell me about this plz.
Surprising everyone.I only get sale of 6-7 items including costume jewelry,short kurties and one skirt.Only i have to pay for listing fee becaz i have to list an item for one week for one rupee and i listed approx 80 items.I want to know how i can get relief i am unknown abt it.Thanks for ur support my friend.
I saw your listings. You will need to combine some items and sell. Selling each item individually with high price and shipping may not sell the product so early.
It nice to see you at community boards. Improve the quality of listings (like adding Payment Details, Shipping time). Also offer return policy or warranty for good sales.
With Regards,
Navaneeth (snrama) 😉
With Regards,
Navaneeth (snrama) 😉