Sellers pls follow this new sellers policy for all your buyers.

eBay has made a big mistake by removing mutual feedback removal.
Due to this policy I have also framed one policy for my buyers which states

" No issues will be resolved whatsoever once the buyer leaves negative feedback without contacting us in advance (as there is no mutual feedback removal system now so even if we give refund in full feedback will not be changed so why waste time money and energy).

Buyers must let us know the problem with our product before leaving -ve or neutral feedback and must give us 24-48 hours to resolve the issue.

If buyer wants us to refund or exchange the product they have to first leave positive feedback and after the feedback is left we will send the replacement or refund.

If incase buyer leaves negative feedback before without contacting us to resolve there will be no refund or exchange will be given at any cost whatsoever.

And all those buyers who leaves positive feedback they will enjoy 24x7 replacement, refund for 1 month. "

All sellers must follow this policy so that ebay will realise its mistake soon.
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Sellers pls follow this new sellers policy for all your buyers.

Community Member
TOTALLY AGREE WITH princesswalkeshwar_in1
Message 2 of 3
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Sellers pls follow this new sellers policy for all your buyers.

I am also in favour of this.
Leave +ve. I do anything for you.
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