Everywhere you go today is an opportunity to spread the word. Talk to your co-workers. Tell your mail carrier, the FedEx driver, The UPS delivery person. Email your friends and acquaintances.
Tell your friends, acquaintances and family about what eBay has done, what eBay plans to do, and how you feel that it adversely affects the eBay marketplace itself, for both sellers and buyers.
Let them know that corporate greed has displaced common sense. Ask them to help all of us save eBay from itself.
Make the noise. Let everyone hear it. Say it, email it, stick a poster up, make a statement everywhere you go.
There's real power in numbers. This noise and the unified message it represents can grow exponentially.
The number of folks supporting the idea that eBay has simply gone too far is growing hourly, day by day.
The noise from the flea market that Johnny doesn't like is increasing in volume. More and more people are talking about the eBay Boycott or the eBay Strike. This thread and the message it represents is spreading.
We need to keep it up relentlessly. The more widespread the message is about eBay's users revolting, the more likely it is that even greater numbers of eyeballs will learn about this uprising.
The more often the news of this rebellion is seen and talked about, the wider yet it will spread.
Anything that places the news of what eBay has done to cause this remarkable outcry from eBay members of all types will cause more and more and more publicity.
eBay doesn't want this type of publicity. This publicity, if loud enough, and widespread enough, is probably the actual straw that will break the camel's back.
The unity here is phenomenal, the momentum is building, and the din from the troops is beginning to become deafening.
Don't let the roar subside one iota... build it up to a thundering crescendo folks.
p.s. ebay listing here are down 15,370,863
-778747 auction listing down from yesterday
NO, Selling, NO Buying, NO Watching, NO Nothing
Thunder On