@blogram :
Strong words from a month-old member with zero feedback. Let me answer your comments one by one.
all are young and inexperienced at some time , you would probably have to convince the best of sellers to accept a crossed DD ... eve if you explan FORTY TIMES , why would anyone accept a crossed DD? most legal businesses will prefer an account payee DD.
I'm an experienced businessman and send out several DDs a month - all crossed. I have never EVER known anyone to have a problem with that until now. It is simply safer than an uncrossed DD in case the DD gets stolen or lost in the mail.
This seller's difficulty was not with a crossed DD. He just could not grasp the idea of what to do with a DD - crossed or not crossed. I'm inclined to think he included DD as a mode of payment just because he saw other sellers do it.
change your bankers if they are shorthanded to prepare a DD ,
I said that they were short-handed due to a local incident. Half the bank employees were absent from work for a few days, and the seller was eager to get his money.
whether the cheque is a core banking or hardcore banking , if a seller does not accept cheque , why insist ??
The seller did NOT refuse to accept the cheque, and I did NOT insist.
he did not want to deposit cheque , as simple as that
You're jumping to conclusions all the time. He said that he went to his bank to deposit it. I called the bank later and they said there should not have been any problem.
When I asked him earlier if he had a bank account, he said that he had one with Mercantile. I'm now inclined to think he just named a bank in his neighbourhood without actually having an account.
if somebody does not want to do what he feels as unsafe , he is labelled inexperienced . he is a wise man , if you can expect him to send goods without clear payment, is it not wrong of you to ask him to send photo of torn cheque ?
Why is it wrong ? In fact, he asked me if he should send back the unused cheque or tear it up. I saved him the expense (and delay) of sending it back by accepting a photo of the torn-up cheque. I was quite aware that such a photo can be faked, but decided that losing Rs.2700/- would not ruin me.
if in doubt , dont send ! but the seller is right in not accepting cheque if he prefers a DD
Now you're telling me not to pay for an item I committed to buy. I repeat that he did NOT refuse to accept a cheque. He just didn't know how to deposit it (or a DD) into his account, or he lied about having an account but does not want to admit it now.
you cannot force a seller to despatch item on picture of DD , in fact he would not be wrong if he does not despatch even with DD in his hands , he can wait till DD is cleared .
Who's talking about "forcing" him - except you ? It was a request, a proposal.
definitely you caused delay and should have sent DD beforehand especially when you knew you were to leave on an extended trip
There was ample time to conclude the transaction before my trip if his ineptitude had not caused the delays. His repeated questions about what to do with a DD (crossed or uncrossed) alone caused a delay of several days.
Last night, he asked me to send a CHEQUE again and has given me a different bank account - that of a company where his cousin works !!!
whatever opinions you get over here , you're a smart EXPERIENCED buyer and will definitely make the INEXPERIENCED seller's life hard
Did you bother to read my feedbacks where most sellers said that I'm prompt with payment and communication ? Some of them were first-time sellers and I had to guide them through the deal - same as I've been doing with this one. Many of them carry on regular correspondence with me on other matters of mutual interest long after we concluded the deal.
Once I voluntarily paid more than the winning bid amount to a first-time seller who did not know about setting a reserve price, although I could have insisted on buying at the winning price.
Some of them did send the item as soon as I sent them pictures of the DD, envelope and despatch receipt. They did that without my asking them.
This is the first time I've requested anyone to do that, because I'm now pressed for time. I would not have had to do that if he could perform the simple act of depositing a cheque/DD into his account (I even gave him instructions on that) or (probably) lied about having an account.