PowerShip Order Marked as "Pending PaisaPay Review" for more than 50 days - No Action till now



One of my customer placed order with PaisaPay ID 35517078875 on 18th January 2014 & I shipped it on 19 th Janauray 2014.


It was delivered in few days but FedEx didn't updated the status.


So, the order was marked by eBay as "Pending PaisaPay Review" on 28th January.


But, till now the order was neither marked as delivered nor remittance was processed.


I had mailed several time to inlogistics@ebay.com. I didn't received even a single reply from them.


Whenever i call customer care (18002093229), they say the same thing (we'll forward your request to appropriate department) but till now no action was taken.


Since i'm already frustrated with these, i even forwarded mail to "Shingote, Sachin(AWF)" <sashingote@ebay.com> last week but didn't received any reply for that also.


I don't know what to do now. I can easily opt-out of PowerShip but what about the remiattance for that PaisaPay ID?

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PowerShip Order Marked as "Pending PaisaPay Review" for more than 50 days - No Action till now


Your words are correct.

But, biggest issue is. Nobody at eBay take seriously.


You may not get surprised. If I say you. We are getting reply from eBay after 47 days. That makes no meaning at all.


On other ecommerce sites where parcel get updated immediately once parcel is delivered. Sometimes even in minutes. but, on eBay it is very very slow. As a result. No one is suffering. It is only Sellers


For any kind of issue. Nobody will suffer. No eBay agents. No eBay supervisor. Only Seller suffer.


eBay should really have a strong department. Wherein any seller issue should be resolved in hours or Maximum 48 hours.


And eBay should have supervisor and manager system wherein they should report with resolution of pending cases.


If Agents are not working. eBay should take strong action against those agents.


But, here nobody to check.


Only claims get settled in buyer favor very very quickly here.


I sometimes think eBay should rename the site as BuyerBay



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PowerShip Order Marked as "Pending PaisaPay Review" for more than 50 days - No Action till now

It is TRUE that EBAY IS JUST BUYER ORIENTED PORTAL. Those sellers like us who list and sell in high competetive market with little or no margin of profit is being faced with numerous no of shipment delay by powership , numerous amoung of pending paisapay review, numerous amout of blockage of funds. 

NEW TREND ON EBAY. Buyer who have damage product start serching ebay and then they order, upon getting the goods they open claim stating item not working or damage. i had send emails with picture to ebay customer service but its of no use. Request ebay to start respecting its sellers else it would be out of business very soon if we all supplier agree to hold. Everything has limit and the situation created is very frustrating.





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PowerShip Order Marked as "Pending PaisaPay Review" for more than 50 days - No Action till now

i have been fighting since last one year ,trust me they simply don't care ,all they have to say to any issue is this "sir we are working on that and your issue has been escalated to concerned department " ,stop wasting the time of sellers.

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