I was a successful seller in baazee. I was selling minimum 60 items per month with hardly 25 listings. The same thing i listed in ebay.in, but no sales at all. Its very pathetic. ebay only eys on the revenue from sellers by their tools and other fees than the sales commission. isn't? please make all the features that were available for buyers on baazee such as city wise search, seller status, and other good faeturs. I have alraedy posted my Ist posting on the sales down issue that you can read here http://forums.ebay.in/thread.jspa?threadID=100000752&tstart=40&mod=1113146169123
at that time i thought it will recover within 6 months but.....
Now i have copleately stopped selling in ebay. my income is spoiled. Why should i waste my money and efforts?. If the ebay agree to me do the needful immediately. Also i request other sellers to comment on this.