My name is Trupti, I'm from Toronto
I am inviting you, my fellow Indians, to participate on a special event that we hold every Christmas at eBay Canada. It is a charity auction, with 100% of the funds going towards Doctors Without Borders.
An auction is listed, with the winning bidder receiving a mystery box from the seller AND, a gift of thanks from "elves".
Elves are ordinary ebay members like YOU, who send the winning bidder a little surprise in the mail. This is what makes the auction fun and interesting. For example, an elf can send a postcard, a handmade card, or keychain, anything small and affordable.
We are looking for "elves" to sign up to participate in this charity auction. Remember, all that is required from your end, is a postcard to the winning bidder.
If you would like to sign up, and take part in a wonderful event, please visit:
Thanks for reading, I hope to see some of your names on the participants list!