for inidan couriers the best service provider comes to my mind is ; BLUEDART
Please use only trustable courier service. I used blazeflash they can never be trust avoid them and please do not use them. 80 out of 100 parcels were stolen in trasit. Some parcels never delivered and some delivered in open condition.
I used dtdc once i sold a salwaar kameez, only the kameez cloth was delivered, the material of salwaar was stolen.
So i trust only bluedart.
My courier agent charges me 80 Rs. for first half kg and each addtional 500gms for 75 Rs. extra. Make a good deal with your courier service provider and only use bluedart. also wait for other suggestions from other community members i hope they would also suggest you better options !
By the ways from which state are you going to send the parcels ?
"Lord, I have done many things wrong. I am guilty, but to show your goodness, forgive me for everything I did. When people choose to follow the Lord, he shows them the best way to live.”
"Lord, I have done many things wrong. I am guilty, but to show your goodness, forgive me for everything I did. When people choose to follow the Lord, he shows them the best way to live.”