on 02-04-2006 01:00 AM
Please note that you are now charged for gallery image listings @ 0.25 per listing if there are more categories in one all will get charged
This is not a good move as it will reduce the listings as sellers they don't want to get charged for what is not sold.
so if you have 500 listings with gallery image you are paying Rs 125 perweek and Rs 500 a month just to show your image on gallery.
This is not a good thing as it will force seller to remove gallery image and also to list only in one category to bring down the cost as every penny saved is earned and in today's competitive world.
I really think ebay.in must remove this policy and try to help sellers to sell more with low cost and not by forcing him to reduce listings or removing gallery image which will affect sales
I suggest that even they should provide atleast Two free featured plus listing to all power sellers
Rajesh Parekh
on 02-04-2006 01:53 PM
on 02-04-2006 05:49 PM
on 02-04-2006 09:31 PM
on 03-04-2006 09:39 AM
on 07-04-2006 04:16 PM
on 09-04-2006 09:00 PM
on 22-04-2006 12:18 PM
on 22-04-2006 04:06 PM