Today is 31st march. My buyer tried to make payment for the first time through his ICICI CC on 16th march and he tried again for 10 times on 30th March evening 4.30pm and failed. Now Buyer is backing off and am loosing him!!!! what am I suppose to do, will Ebay exempt from my fees? I doubt!!
I really do not understand what is going on!!. One hand you guys are saying fastest mode, safest mode, but this Paisapay thing hardly works properly.
Now I am seriously thinking why did I choose paisa pay as a mode of payment. I could have asked buyer to make his payment directly to my account.!!!
If this continues, then we sellers will loose potential buyers and buyers will loose hope on Ebay and paisapay.
Finally, what is the logic behind not having a call center for Ebay india, is out of my imagination. it seems like we are in 19th century, where everything is done on bullock cart.( sending and receiving money).
I request Ebay support/Paisapay support to start a call center where buyers/sellers can contact directly rather waiting for the email reply and pulling their hairs in vain...