if the seller fool the buyer buy sending instead of 15kg item they send 10grams empty cover ?

if the seller fool the buyer buy sending instead of 15kg item they send 10grams empty cover ? electrogigtech seller electrogigtech Claim ID: 2264428 PaisaPay ID: 43389818711 Item number: 282109429543 payment of Rs.21,900 paid by the buyer. the weight of the package should be 15kg but seller send the 10 grams empty cover thru bluedart • Courier name: BLUE DART • Airway Bill Details: 69460346281 bluedart invoice shows the weight of the item booked 0.5kg as perthe seller invoice. the seller techsheet http://www.ebay.in/itm/282109429543?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1439.l2649 says weight of the 3d printer is 15kg. cheating seller. please take action. best regards Kumaragiri 9884091280

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