Winning bid times

Community Member
Hello out there,

I have a curiousty question that may help me bid. I noticed auctions that had a winning bid time that was earlier than other lesser bids. Yet the winning bidder never shows up in the bid list until that last winning bid.
How can someone place a proxy bid hours earlier than other bidders yet not showup as the high bidder until the last few seconds? That just doesn't sound right to me.
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Winning bid times

Community Member
Dear eskiejake,

Your question is not very clear.

You have said that the winning bidder doesn't show up till the last winning bid.

There is a provision of auto bidding where you can..........

Place your bid. Enter the highest amount you'd be willing to pay for the item. eBay will automatically raise your bid only as much as is needed for you to remain the high bidder. (This is called proxy bidding-and does not apply to Multiple Item Auctions.) This means that you may win an item for less than your maximum bid. But you can also be outbid if someone else enters a higher maximum bid.

In this case every time some one places a bid higher than replace him to be on top (till your maximum amount is reached)

But have said that the proxy bidder comes only in the dieing minutes of the Auction to be a winner. This is not very clear.




best regards

Umang Midha

IndConcepts logo7
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Winning bid times

Community Member
You are observing the eBay Proxy system at work. When a proxy bid is placed, what is shown as the current price on the front auction page is not necessarily what the high bidder at that time had entered as his proxy bid. Only the amount needed to make him top bidder is shown as the current price on the auction page. The remainder of his proxy remains behind the scenes to work for him when others come in to bid. Later bids placed by others, if they do not top his proxy, will "push" his bid up higher in the history list (and the current price shown on the front auction page will increase as they do this), even though his bid was earlier. The reason the proxy bidder's bid does not show multiple times is because he physically only entered a bid one time. The bid history does not reflect each individual time his proxy did battle with & topped a later person's bid. Any time you see an individual bidder's name more than once in a bid history, it means that person physically typed in and entered individual bids each time. Proxy bids only show the one time they are placed, not each time they are challenged by later bids. Each time a proxy is enacted, it moves in the list, with the new amount, but original date placed, shown. The date stamp is the date the actual bid was placed. The automatic bidding[proxy vs proxy activity] occurs within eBay's many servers.

The basic "problem" is proxy bidding. You don't see each and every individual bid made by the proxy. You only see:

(1) The original time the proxy bid was placed.
(2) The final amount bid by the proxy.

Click the links to see Proxy Bidding examples/images.

If you some free reading time, this may help:
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