In the last 2-3 days, I have witnessed some strange purchases from my listings. First, there was an item worth Rs.130. Five people, all having same address bought the same item from a same listing within a period of about one and half hour and gave different shipping addresses but all within Bangalore. All of them had similar email addesses i.e whatever@cooltoad.com and all had registered on eBay on the day of purchase itself.
Yesterday again I encountered a similar pattern but this time on another listing costing Rs.100 and from people in Hyderabad.
Although I have received the payment and cant think of anything that can go wrong, I am suspicious because this is not normal buying. Had it been normal people really wanting to buy, they would definitely have bought multiple items and availed a shipping discount. Why would five people working in a same company buy a same item and give their home addresses for shipping instead of getting them together at the company address and distributing among themselves?
Has anyone else also experienced such a thing before? Can anyone think of any reasons for this?