Strange Buying Pattern


In the last 2-3 days, I have witnessed some strange purchases from my listings. First, there was an item worth Rs.130. Five people, all having same address bought the same item from a same listing within a period of about one and half hour and gave different shipping addresses but all within Bangalore. All of them had similar email addesses i.e and all had registered on eBay on the day of purchase itself.

Yesterday again I encountered a similar pattern but this time on another listing costing Rs.100 and from people in Hyderabad.

Although I have received the payment and cant think of anything that can go wrong, I am suspicious because this is not normal buying. Had it been normal people really wanting to buy, they would definitely have bought multiple items and availed a shipping discount. Why would five people working in a same company buy a same item and give their home addresses for shipping instead of getting them together at the company address and distributing among themselves?

Has anyone else also experienced such a thing before? Can anyone think of any reasons for this?


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Strange Buying Pattern

Community Member

I have experienced similar buying too. These are all new buyer who doesn't even read the listing properly. I had problems from such buying too. Some bought multiple items but paid for one item each even before I could send combined shipping Invoice ( within less than an hour). At that time I had not enabled the auto combined option for some reason. One of them expected me to send all the items without any further payment and I had to explain each of them everything. Subsequenly only one such buyer paid for other items combined and most of them neither responded again nor paid for the balance ones. None of them have left any feedback though I have rated them positive against the paid items. .
Best Regards ๐Ÿ˜„

Best Regards ๐Ÿ˜„

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Strange Buying Pattern

Hi Swaroop,

Thanks for sharing your experience. If they had been non-paying buyers I could have understood. But the problem is they have all paid for their purchases through paispay using online transfer. The doubt rose when I saw that all of them were working at the same place, all bought a same low priced item and then all gave different shipping addresses within Bangalore. And again after two days the same thing happened with buyers from Hyderabad. It maybe just a coincidence or ...


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