You may click on Buy and search for your required item - Mp3 flash player or whatever it be.
You are likely to get multiple results from the search. Now you have to evaluate the items by going thru the item descriptions (listing details). Also click on the seller ID to check that the seller has not got too many negative feedbacks.
Once you have decided on your ideal item you need to check if its a buy-it-now item or an auction format item. For buy-it-now items you can buy the item at the fixed price. In auction format, you can put your bid ( max price) for the item. If anyone does not outbid you with their max. price offer till the listing ends then you are the winner. Then you have to pay for the item and the seller will send the item on receipt of your payment. Its best to pay thru PaisaPay ( online payments thru cards) as such payments are secured and insured against non-delivery.
Best Regards
Best Regards

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