Christmas-help needed :-)

Community Member
Hello ,
First of all i would like tos end you all my greetings from Belgium Europe.
I hope there are some nice people here on the boards since I do have a question.

My 4 year old daughter ( Hayley ) is having a project in school now about Christmas in other countries.
The children would like to know how other people worldwide are celebrating Christmas.
How do people from other countries decorate their tree ? Is there something typical they eat ? etc

I would really appreciate if someone could send us some text or perhaps a picture from Christmas in your country.

Please let me know as well if you would like to receive the christmas-greetings from Hayley and her friends in school, they would be very exited to send you an email

Thanks a lot and a merry christmas to all of you
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Christmas-help needed :-)

Community Member
Hey there...considering that I am christian and do celebrate christmas in India thought Id reply to clear things up. Christmas here is probably very much the same as it is in Europe with the tree, presents, mid night mass and a turkey for dinner if you can lay your hands on one!!! We unfortunately dont get snow down in the south of India though to complete the white christmas dream.Our parents did give us the whole spiel about Santa coming down the chimney etc when we were wide eyed kids.

I must add that India is a country where a lot of middle class people attend catholic schools (the jesuit education is considered on of the best here) therefore there is a large awareness of christmas being round the corner even if not all of the people are fully aware of the actual reasons behind it.

Im sorry that I have no pics to send at the moment but will rummage around and see if I can lay my hands on something.
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