Hi all
I am new to E-bay just started selling things on line.We are operating from Delhi-INDIA.
But I dont know how and with whom to make arrangements for cash on delivery concept.Right now I have to dispatch one item against cash on delivery but no courier companey is ready for that.
Please help me
hi use Post Office V.V.P. service . It is cheap, reliable and covers whole of remote India. Ebay sellers like gift2gifts, cheapshopee are doing that and I have been buying from them for the last 2 years without problems
You can use ARAMEX Internatiol Courier for COD. They will offer you good price for product delivery (you need to bargain with them)
There services are very good.
Thank you all for replying.But I dont feel that Post offices will accept all type of VPPS and there might be lot of formaltiies.Do they take volumetric couriers.
Where is ARAMEX. ARe they in Delhi