Paypal bank registration requirements

Community Member

I am an user from India and want to open a Paypal Business account. My questions are:

1. How many bank accounts can I register with Paypal Business account?
2. Can I register a foreign bank account with Paypal Business account? I have an UK account which I would like to link and get paid into, ideally electronically.
3. Assuming I can do as per my question in 2 above, does the UK bank account name have to match the Paypal Business account name I have chosen?
4. A slightly different question. Since we operate several different companies, can I open several different business accounts with Paypal but all with different email addresses, and bank account details? In fact, the only similar thing between these accounts will be the contact person's details such as physical address, telephone number and email (though I could provide a different email address each time) and two or more companies share the same physical business address.

Thank you for any suggestions!
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Paypal bank registration requirements

Community Member
Hello Mate.

I will try to tell you a bit

1. You can add as many as bank account you want but they must be indian account as it will be a India country paypal account. When you sign up on paypal it ask the country and from there only it changes all the things.. In india you will need to add credit card to your account to get verified and then enter 4 digit code from your credit card monthly statement.

2. For UK account you can open another UK account. IN UK PAYPAL ACCOUNT u dont need to add credit card. YOu can just simply enter all the details of your bank account and soon you will be verified by the bank.. In india they dont connect to your bank......Bank account is just added so that u can withdraw your money to the bank but on the other hand with UK bank account you can get yourself verified and add your funds to your paypal account and also withdraw through your UK BANK ACCOUNT.

3. as far as this question is concerned.i am not sure.....may be or may be not.

4.yes you can open different account but you need to consult someone else.....i just wanted to tell you about UK and Indian different paypal account
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Paypal bank registration requirements

Community Member
Thanks very much for your input. It has made a lot of my queries clearer indeed. I have a few more follow-on questions, I hope everyone who reads it will bear with me! I am trying to gather all info as I want to I get it right, for now and in the long run.

Point 1. All clear.
Point 2. I will have to provide both a business and a business owner contact details for UK which I do not have currently. However, I am in the process of registering an UK Limited company which will have an UK address and this is will take care of the business address requirement. I still won't have an UK address for the business owner contact details requirement though. Is it possible to register a Paypal UK account by choosing the country as United Kingdom and filling in all UK contact details for the business but a non-UK address and contact details for the business owner?
Points 3 & 4. I will continue checking and asking around. Meanwhile, could I request you and all those who read this to keep a lookout for any info regarding these two points? Should you come across any info, kindly do post it.

Thanks in advance!
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