i have not received item

hello all , 

i have contacted customer care on 4th june and hanged on phone for 1 hour one CC representative Prinyanka answered the call  and started arguing .. when i have not recieved the ithe  Item i claimed for refund on 31st  online ,when these guys have  on 2nd about refund they are stating the claim is raised on 2nd .  the message from my end and ebay end is below ! never buy from ebay . this is happened to me second time ...

The seller shipped the item on 23-May-14 and was required to deliver the item by 30-May-14. The shipping details are:
Courier name: FIRST FLIGHT
Airway bill number: b25918144
Remarks: Hello, Thks 4 ur Purchase.Your item SENT vide First Flight couriers AWB no Mentioned .Pl inform us with in 3/4 days if not recived(mentione AWB no/address/tel nos),else understood to be delevered & Trackable next day on www.firstflight.net email for courier complaint to us on allianze@gmail.com or SMS/call us on 09819013040.....If u think that the box is damaged or tempered then Check the item AND THEN ACCEPT. Thks.Rgds
Item Receipt
You have requested for a refund on 31-May-14 since you did not receive the item by the deadline of on 31-May-14. Your refund will be processed within 5 days from the date of initiation.

If you receive the item during this 5-day period, please cancel this refund request.

Note: The seller will be given 5 days to appeal against this refund request. If the seller appeals against this refund, PaisaPay will evaluate the proof on hand and make a decision in favour of you or the seller. PaisaPay's decision in this matter will be final.

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