Who wants to buy on eBay? Contact me. I will tell you how they sell you fake products online.

Community Member

eBay is one of the worst websites i have ever encountered. They will sell you products which look exactly like their original counter parts. The differences are so subtle that you won't be able to point out the fake one by looking. The difference is felt during usage, when you actually feel how bad is the quality of the product you just bought from eBay.

Let me tell you my story. I bought a JBL Micro Wireless Bluetooth Speaker from eBay. The seller shipped it over night and i was so happy. I opened the box and gladly showed the small powerful speaker to my friends just to tease them for i had bought a JBL product and they were using 1000 buck chinese crap.
Then i started playing random tracks on it with bluetooth and i felt something was wrong. At first i thought it was the low battery that was leading to distortion at high volume, so i plugged in my Nexus 5 charger to charge the speaker fully. Again i tried to play tracks and the distortion was still there, i felt nervous. Even those 1000 buck chinese crap my friends were using did not distort on full volume, but this was JBL, it isn't supposed to distort. Right then one of my friend also pointed to the fact that he has enjoyed music on JBL Micro Wireless earlier but that did not ever distort even on full volume.
I started having a bad feeling for this purchase. I started googling anything that said high volume distortion on JBL MIcro Wireless, and all i got was "this is an awesome product, it has a dedicated bass port and it does not distort even on high volume."
I started comparing my speaker with speakers available online, I downloaded some Full HD Photos from*** and compared them to my speaker. Voila, i caught one invisible difference, the power button. Power button on my speaker was a cheap flat button while that on ***  looked more premium and finished to soothe the finger while pressing.
I still was in doubt, JBL might have tweaked the design and i might be overthinking this whole thing. Moving ahead i listedned few more tracks form my speaker but i still was not at all satified. It was itching so hard that i went back online on Youtube and watched unboxing videos for JBL MIcro Wireless Speaker. Right then, i noticed one more thing, it was not as easy as it sounds, i literally had to watch some 4-5 videos for 2 hours and then it appeared to me, that all speakers in those videos had a glare on the top where the sound driver lies inside the chassis. The one in my hand looked nothing but ugly from the same angle. I became certain there is something wrong with the sound driver on my JBL.
Just to be sure, i came back to the page where the seller had the listing on eBay.in. To my surprise, i saw the image on the listing and it too differed from the product i recieved. The only visible difference was the power button. I became quite sure i had bought a replica of JBL Micro Wireless. Also, all the speakers in Youtube videos had Product Number on their behing and some JBL Branding, but the one i bought did not have anything. It was blank as **bleep**, no product number no JBL branding, just Made in China. What the **bleep**! i felt cheated.
The very next day i went to Nehru Place, Delhi, and bought another JBL Micro wireless at 30% more price. I used it and as expected it sounded wonderful. I packed the eBay crap back in its packing and sealed it to send it back.
I contacted the seller and he confessed that it is an imported product, yeah thats their way of saying, fake product, he also agreed that it is not the original JBL Micro Wireless. But then, eBay is a **bleep**, i called up customer care and explained the whole story to the agent on line, even told him that the seller has confessed and now you can go ahead with the refund. He assured me that my money will be refunded to me along with a cash back voucher which i can use on eBay for my future purchase. Yeah, that's how they keep people from spreading the fact that eBay is bull**bleep**. They offer you a gift voucher, one **bleep**ing gift voucher.
It has been 10 days since i called up customer care, i have sent them multiple e-mails but they simply won't respond. I think i am gonna drag eBay to consumer court and so should you!
Never ever ever buy from eBay, they will cheat you and it will be very late when you realise, if ever you realise that you have been cheated.
I will soon tear up the packing of fake eBay product and make a Youtube video, comparing it with my original JBL speaker. Let's show to the world how eBay serves its customers. Haha!

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Who wants to buy on eBay? Contact me. I will tell you how they sell you fake products online.

Community Member

i also got a product but i also feel like it is a fake product now wat can i do? i got it tody


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