Shipping charges

Community Member
I was scrolling through items for buying in recently. I found a list of over 50 items of same specifications, each with different product cost and shipping cost. I am specifically quoting about the electronic portable sewing machines. The product cost is varied from Rs.450 to Rs.900 or more and shipping is free to Rs.285/- The shipping free has the product priced higher and product priced lower has higher shipping charges. In fact, when the product is identical in all respects, accessories are same, the weight is also same, why does the shipping charges change? This is either to cheat the buyers or deprive the ebay of a portion of the sale commission payable. For example if the item is priced at Rs.300 and shipping is Rs.250, the total cost is Rs.550. If another vendor quotes Rs.450 as price and Rs.75 as shipping charges, the total price is only Rs.525! On the face of it the first offer appears cheaper by Rs.150 though it is otherwise. In such cases, the vendor pays charges to ebay on the product cost and saves on the inflated shipping charges. Is there no way to check this type of malpractice?
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Shipping charges

Community Member
You have to play a game before you buy. The game is called Tol mol ke bol. If you do right calculations you are lucky to by at the best price !!
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Shipping charges

eBay makes money on the bank transaction fee which is 4% as charged by eBay.
Actually banks do not charge so high and if the transaction volume is high banks do not charge at all. Regards.
Raj Electronics.
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Shipping charges

Hello shyam1438,

eBay is a marketplace which offers a platform to all kinds of sellers ranging from small retailers to big distributors to list their products for sale. Prices vary basis their sourcing capabilities and shipping charges vary basis the courier company they opt or the kind of agreement they have with the shipping company.

Although I'd not deny the fact that some sellers charge shipping charges exorbitantly high and we try our best to monitor the site to keep such sellers out however it will only be in the betterment of the community that they report such items to us if they find them.

Rahul (assemblerz) - its really very nice to see you back on the boards and it gives me pleasure to interact with you. I'd like to also highlight that we have done significant improvement on the VAT front and you may feel good and confident to list your competitive items again on our site :-).

Keep posting!!

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