(taken from Bluedart website)
For Uttar Pradesh:
Form 39 is mandatory for all personal/non commercial shipments traveling to Uttar Pradesh.
Inbound Shipments:
Non-commercial shipments addressed to individuals, Govt. Agencies and Unregistered dealers require to be accompanied with Form 39.
FORM 39 is in 3 parts marked original, duplicate, triplicate. Original part is retained by Sales Tax department of check post at the time of entry and the duplicate delivered to consignee along with the shipment.
Form 39 is issued by UP sales tax authority. Form 39 is valid for one month only. Validity of Form 39 is mentioned on the form. These forms are obtained by the consignee signed & stamped and the triplicate copy is retained by the consignee and the original and duplicate are sent to the consignor by consignee. The original and duplicate copies of these forms as applicable should be signed and stamped by consignor, consignee and sales department of UP.
Note: Form 39 without signature and stamp of Sales tax department of UP is not valid. It should be properly filled with stamp and signature of consignor & consignee. - Collect original & duplicate of these forms as applicable from the consignor at the time of pickup.
- Check whether the forms bear the signature of the consignor & consignee and are properly filled.
- If the sales officer finds the goods are undervalued then a penalty of up to 40% on the assessed value is levied.
- The consignee either pays the penalty for clearing the shipment or has to prove to the sales tax officer the correctness of invoice value to get the penalty waived.
This is the official version, courier cos often waive it off.
Hope this helps you all.