Dear All,
I am posting this to infor all the prospective buyers to know how BIG CHEATERS are @ ebay. Even the highest level authority people also do not have any professional approach, or ethics. I do not know what kind of education their parents have given them to earn money like this and raise their kids.
My refund was approved on 25-05-2016 but still payment is not done. It is almost 2 months, I reached everyone from customer support executive to the highest level person - Grievance Officer - still no resolution.
They have got ONLY ONE answer so far from everyone - I am forwarding your request to concerned team and get back to you in 5-6 working days. And it never happens.
I do not know what kind of ethics these people follow but they irrirtate and cheat all their customers. Once on ebay never on ebay.
Here is the response from their shamless Grievance Team:
Message body
Another 24 hours gone and still no response. I told you that if you are not the right person to talk then give me the person who can solve this very small problem.
For a billions of dollars company resolving Rs. 289 issue - is such a complex thing?
From: SridharTo: "" <>
Cc: eBay Inc. <>
Sent: Tuesday, July 19, 2016 6:13 PM
Subject: Re: Regarding Paisapay ID : 42654484853. SR# 1-80012985699
Another 24 hours passed by still no response. Don't you feel ashamed of this?
I do feel very ashamed of to know what kind of human beings are existing on the earth like you.
From: SridharTo: "" <>
Cc: eBay Inc. <>
Sent: Monday, July 18, 2016 4:54 PM
Subject: Re: Regarding Paisapay ID : 42654484853. SR# 1-80012985699
You said you will call me back in 24-hours and it is more than that and no response.
Just give me the right person's information so that I can talk to them. Please do not waste my time and your time like this giving the same answer for ages.
From: "" <>
Sent: Thursday, July 14, 2016 11:22 AM
Subject: Regarding Paisapay ID : 42654484853. SR# 1-80012985699 | Regarding Paisapay ID : 42654484853. SR# 1-80012985699 |  |
Dear Sridhar,
This is with regards to the email which was sent to grievance office for Refund not received for the Paisapay ID : 42654484853.
We would like to inform you that your request for refund is under process we assure you that we are looking into your case and trying to resolve your concern as soon as possible.
We request you to please provide us with 72 hours time, so that we get back to you with the proper resolution on the case.
We thank you for your understanding and co-operation in this matter.
Shafakat Khan
Service Recovery Team.