Some members on this thread have mentioned that they have buying limits placed on their account. I will like to take this opportunity to clarify some question on buying limits. I hope the response will help you understand the rason and ways to avoid buying limits.
Why is Buying Activity Limits placed on any user?
Many a times new buyers buy from a seller and do not end up paying. This results in a frustrating experience for sellers since they have to file UPI and also they loose fees that they have paid for features. Therefore buyer activity limits are one way that eBay helps sellers to minimise Unpaid Items. However, the goal of this policy is not to discourage legitimate purchases.
What are the criteria for imposing Buying limits?
A member may encounter a limit based on several factors including (but not limited to):
-Number of winning bids currently placed.
-Number of items won in a short time period.
-Rupee amount of winning bids currently placed.
-Rupee amount of items won in a short time period.
-Amount and rupee value of feedback the member has received for items won.
-Number of items for which the member has paid.
In short, the idea is to restrict buyers who might not end up paying for the items they have bid for. eBay will not like to block genuine buyers, however the decision to apply limits is based on substantial data analysis. The data showed us that, the possibility of a new user buying high number or value of items is extremely limited. If a buyer insists on doing the same, then there is a good possibility that the user does not intend to pay for the products, or even scarier thing is that his account might be misused by some other user.
I totally agree that at times it might hamper genuine purchase; however, the possibility of the same is really small.
How to avoid such limits?
One such way to avoid such limits is to get more feedback. If you have two ids, and one has lot of feedback, it makes more sense to use that id. Your positive ratings on your id is an assurance of your good behaviour on the site.
Is placing limits right?
Every decision will always have various implications and we can always debate it. Since we are a marketplace, it is always a challenge to balance requirement of various user groups, however we try to take decisions that we feel will benefit maximum number of users.
Thanks and Regards,