on 03-10-2005 03:03 AM
on 06-10-2005 11:25 PM
amitagarwal02!!! Dear open unpaid item dispute against buyer if he is not paying
u and after a period of 7 days u will get final value fee credit if the buyer
doesn't pay u. I hope u know how to do that and if u don't know then I m writing
the whole procedure for u :
Go to My Ebay ---
Items I have sold section --- Within that section choose ur item for which u
haven't received the payment and 7 days have gone . Within that item -- Right
hand side there is a drop - down list --- which consists of -- Mark As Payment
Received, Mark As Shipped, Leave feedback, etc. Choose Report an Unpaid Item and
follow the steps that follow. In this way u can report an unpaid item. Buyer
will receive this unpaid item reminder from Ebay. If he has an intention to pay
he will definitely respond and if he doesn't then after 7 days u can close the
dispute by choosing --- I wish no longer to wait for the buyer . If a buyer
responds to this reminder before 7 days period time and says that he won't like
to pay u can simply give him unpaid item strike and will get final value fee
credit immediately.
Seller on Ebay.in
on 07-11-2005 01:07 AM
on 07-11-2005 03:59 PM
on 21-11-2005 03:33 AM
on 12-03-2006 07:28 AM
on 12-03-2006 09:49 AM