So far in my experiance, Ebay Paisapay Gurenttee is meaningless. Frequently some seller cheated the Buyer and Ebay Resolution cente favour them with wrong decession. We should be very carefull specialy high rated Sellers. They can cheat the buyers easily with a favour from Ebay. I have two sore and painful experiance recently. One is price 22990/- PaisaPay ID 38094713449 Milagrow Floor Cleaning Robot purchase. Seller shipping a defective item. When i claim Ebay recjected my claimed saying item is under warrentee. And Second is PaisaPay ID 38052157239. This item price 3288/- discribe as 120W AC Adapter For HP ENVY original new item but when I open packing found use item and many marks for repairing very bad condition. I tried to claim but no record is found in Ebay website in 20 days. saying "No Records Found".
Thanks Ebay for such items.
Tomba Singh