Hi! Good News to i9+++ users!!
There is a way to create COM setting and hence, use the i9+++ phone as a Modem, use the PC Suite software etc.
Here is how I did thru' the membership of the SciPhone Forum (http://mysciphone.com/English_Sciphone_Forum/index.php.
1.Dial *#82043036# to enter the engineer mode => device => set UART => UART setting.
2.on TST-PS Config make it UART 2, 115200
3.on PS config make it USB Port, 115200
4.on TST-L1 Config make it none.
5.press ok, the phone will shut down, start the phone, when you connect it to the computer it will be in COM port automatically.
6. if you want the previous setting "mass storage or picture or webcam" change the PS config to UART 1 and press ok. Restart your phone and enjoy.
You may need to install the driver software downloaded from http://www.mysciphone.com/upload/Sciphone_MTK_Drivers.zip