I would like to share the pain i have gone through, thanks to one stupid seller (baazee id: HCMPL) and the E-BAY(BAZEE) team.
1.i have a pending issue which is now more then 2 months old regarding the item number 2764439 given on old bazee
2.SEeller didnt send me the product and then he claimed he'll refund money...
3.old bazee guys interfered on my giving a negetive rating but issue is still unresolved i have a record of more then 5 e-mails that i had with BAZEE.....
4.But now that page is missing from e-bay and my rating is placed as issue resolved on bazee old pages.......
5.further no body reply's on bazee contact e-mail past 15 days....
6. Seller never sent a single mail to me and never replied.
7. Seller's phone was never working, so i could never speak to him
8. baazee doesnt have a customer care number where u can call them. wow, isnt that a news. being one of the largest auction site india, with NO customer care number. Now this is just too greatto bear.
Now, after seeing my pain, if baazee has little bit of humanity left(sorry for the cute words im using), please explain me why this is happening and will i get my refund back?