Buyers Misguided. Is this eBay's mistake or seller's??

Check out this page, especially the promo for Xtees T-Shirts. It clearly says Rs.259 and free shipping. But when you follow the link, all t-shirts are priced at Rs.299 + Rs.40 for shipping.

Who is the culprit here: eBay or seller?? -- Signature: I am Jack's complete lack of surprise.
-- Signature: I am Jack's complete lack of surprise.
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Buyers Misguided. Is this eBay's mistake or seller's??

this is right ebay should rectify this !!!!
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Buyers Misguided. Is this eBay's mistake or seller's??

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Buyers Misguided. Is this eBay's mistake or seller's??

still no change...same discrepancy fact, now seller is selling for Rs.399 +40.

P.S.: I had bought one of their tees when they were priced @ 299...they are definitely not Rs.399 worth. -- Signature: I am Jack's complete lack of surprise.
-- Signature: I am Jack's complete lack of surprise.
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Buyers Misguided. Is this eBay's mistake or seller's??

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