Nigerian attack on my listing !!

Community Member
hello everyone

I have been selling cell phones,nigerian bought it with making some indian Ebay id and want me to ship the product in Nigerian which is not mentioned in my listing ...they send the same and old trick email to me that they are in other part of country and they want the product in nigerian to their cousin as marriage gift etc..etc..

they bought more then of 18000 rs stuffs ...what shud i do now? pay ebay fees? Please any one please help me ..this is very serious.! please?
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Nigerian attack on my listing !!

Community Member

Yes, There are few Nigerian Frauds who target (mostly new sellers) and get the product free of cost.

Open a Unpaid Item Dispute for Final Value Fee Credit

Report those buyers to eBay

Problems with Other Members - > Fraud Concerns -> The problem you're having with fraud isn't listed. ---------------
With Regards,
Navaneeth (snrama) 😉
With Regards,
Navaneeth (snrama) 😉
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