New TurboLister is not working properly

Community Member
Hello Friends,
I would like to have your opinion about new Turbo lister2. Till now my experience is not good with it.
I faces many problems like:
1. The pictre get erased during editing an item if we edit discription of product.
2. We can not Change format of listing as in selecting multiple items the Change Format Icon got Freezed.
3. Even if we change format by editing multiple items the Item condition got erased, which means we can change format in process of one by one , which is great problem for bulk listers.
4. There are no extra features only the design is changed.
5. There are many other problems faced in This turbo lister which makes it much uncomfortable.
Plz tell us your opinions.

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New TurboLister is not working properly

Community Member

I have faced many problem and I am sure there is a bug in TB2 (Turbo Lister 2).

When I downloaded for the first time and got restored my listings from TB1, I found that Pendrive listings were not getting uploaded though every thing on the listing was fine. ANd then it got solved, some other problem found.

I hope eBay will update the application.

Another thing is, I was looking for some new templetes of listing designer and eBay made us unhappy. ---------------
With Regards,
Navaneeth (snrama) 😉
With Regards,
Navaneeth (snrama) 😉
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New TurboLister is not working properly

Community Member
I have had nothing but problems using Turbo Lister 2 since the very first version I downloaded. The application hard crashes whenever I want to do anything with it. I have not been able to enter an item, let alone list anything. I have been a software developer for over 20 years and would never have had such a long career if I let users get their hands on crap like this.
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New TurboLister is not working properly

Community Member
I have never used Turbolister. I use spoonfeeder & Auctiva and they work fine for me. Auctiva is free. Designer is free, scheduler is free, and multiple/supersized pics are free.
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