My Listing was deleted

Community Member
What the heck man. I created a listing just a few hours back, and boom when I came back now to check on it, it was gone. Tried multiple searches of it and no where to be found. I know I haven't violated any eBay rules. Omgosh what the heck is wrong. I went through a lot of trouble to take out pictures of my product, it was an iPAQ. Can anyone help me on this issue.
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My Listing was deleted

Community Member
Hey man - item number 5770152646 is listed without any problms. Sometimes, eBay search engines take some time to get updated with the new listings.

You want to know how I got to know about your item? I just clicked on the View Listings link next to your ID.

Don't worry, your item is available on eBay. 47 people have viewwed it already.

My opinion is that the starting price of Rs. 10 000 is too high. Have you considered a lower starting price and then adding a Reserve Price?

Help page on how to edit your listing:

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