Know about listing types and duration

If you want to ensure that your listing gets the most possible views and results in successful sales, you need must ensure that you:

  • Choose the right type/format for your listings; and
  • Choose the right duration for your listings; and
  • Price your items competitively.

So let’s understand the Listing types and  durations that are available to you for your listings on the eBay marketplace:



You can choose from two listing types when creating a listing:

  • an “Auction-Style” listing; and
  • a “Fixed Price” listing

Auction-Style listings - and duration


It is best to use an “Auction” listing when:

  • You are selling a unique or a very rare item;
  • Your item is in high demand and selling very fast; or 
  • You are unsure of what price to set for the item

Points to note in an Auction Style listing:

  • Buyers will bid for the item, and the item will go to whomever is the highest bidder when the auction ends
  • You will set a minimum price at which you are willing to sell the product – this is called as the “Starting Price”
  • If you know an exact price which you would like to receive, then you can also set a “Buy It Now” price.  This gives buyers the option purchase the item immediately / skip the bidding process. Do remember that the Buy It Now price must be be at least as high as the “Reserve Price”
  • You can also choose to add a “Reserve Price”. This will stay hidden from buyers. The listing will not end in a sale unless the winning bid is alteast as high as the Reserve Price

With the “Auction-Style” listing you can choose a listing duration of 1, 3, 5, 7 and 10 days. If the item is not sold during that period, once the period expires the listing will be moved to “Unsold” section of your account. 


Fixed Price  listings and duration


It is best to use an “Fixed Price” listing when:

  • Your know an exact item price; 
  • It is rare for the pricing of that type of item vary significantly; or
  • You have large quantities or multiple variations of an item.

Fixed Price listings are the simplest and easiest way to set the price of items. Under this listing type buyers can make and act upon a purchase decision right away.


The default duration under Fixed Price listing is set to Good ’Til Canceled. This means that your item will be relisted on eBay every month until it sells or until you end the listing.  


For more details:

Click here to read about Selling through auctions
Click here to read about Selling with Buy It Now


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