No response after long-time from eBay

Several time I have reported that the listed item number:300304660480, has almost copied from my same listing.
So, I have reported as listing violation without my permisssion. But, till eBay took no action against the seller.
My listing number is:320354681124 from which item details has been copied. Somnath Mukhopadhyay
Somnath Mukhopadhyay
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No response after long-time from eBay

Community Member
There are a lot of complaints pending with eBay about copying. I saw both the items and yes it looks almost same in the description. eBay should take action against the person who copied it.
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No response after long-time from eBay

Community Member
eBay should take action. dont worry
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No response after long-time from eBay

Community Member
Hi somnath_2007,

These things happen always. Most of the new sellers copy other's listing. They can search at Google or the product website instead of copying other's work.

These days, I don't report the sellers who copy my listings as its difficult to control.

Best move is you can water-mark your company name / eBay ID for the pictures which are not available online. ---------------
With Regards,
Navaneeth (snrama) 😉
With Regards,
Navaneeth (snrama) 😉
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