Hi, Can you tell me why I see 2

Hi friends,
I just listed a set of 7 stamps set of ottoman empire over printed in 1919, IRAQ IN BRITISH OCCUPATION in feature plus format.
Now I searched without signing and saw 2 similar listings. I checked up my shop. There is only one that item.
That is the only such item in eBay india.That is my listing only. Also I dont have duplicates.
But why 2 items? Am I too old? Or do I need to change my specs? Man,I just wanted to know your ideas.
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Hi, Can you tell me why I see 2

Community Member
Hi Amitava,

You can see two listings. But it is only one and check the item number. It will be same. ---------------
With Regards,
Navaneeth (snrama) 😉
With Regards,
Navaneeth (snrama) 😉
Message 2 of 4
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Hi, Can you tell me why I see 2

Hi Navaneeth,
May be eBay is somewhat generous for feature plus and giving another listing free of cost.
But you are right. They cant give two different item #.
Message 3 of 4
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Hi, Can you tell me why I see 2

Community Member
Hello Amitava,

When you list with featured plus, your listing comes on the first page in the featured section of a particular category. At the same time it shows on the last page of that category.

As days pass, your featured listing normally remain on the first page in the featured section..... and the one in the normal category..... move ahead towards the first page, as it's duration ends.

Its the same listing showing up in the two sections.( Featured & Normal)

best regards

Umang Midha .

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best regards

Umang Midha

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