Delivering the Goods

Community Member
Suppose i'm a seller who is selling goods in Mumbai only. And, the goods sold by me is also delivered by me (i.e. me myself or my workers will go to the buyer's address to deliver). In this case, what shipping details should i enter.... pls help.
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Delivering the Goods

read ebay selling rules and paispay rules, then start selling, making money is not child's play.
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Delivering the Goods

Community Member
Well in your case paisapay may not work, as how will you show you have delivered or atleast dispatch.

also why dont you instead go for paispay cod option you need not run around Mumbai for the same.

Well howsoever i am not sure if hand delivery can be resorted to for paispay payments, as its a unique question, need some unique answers, guess, i am too into the box nowadays, cannot think out of the box solutions by myself, hope other fellow sellers will help you out.
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Delivering the Goods

Community Member
@rajelectroniks: reading ebay rules is not child's play either 🙂
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Delivering the Goods


If one cannot understand ebay rules and follow them then its their problem not mine, they should not sell on ebay.

Nothing in life is simple and easy.

Making money is not easy.
CIC hosting
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