Tips for creating successful sale events

Here are some tips to gear up your sales by creating successful sale events:

Group inventory
• Merchandise related items from your sale inventory to ensure relevant items are highlighted to buyers when they are searching for a given item.

Run ongoing events
• Set up ongoing events with restricted inventory rules for groups of items that you frequently mark down. Inventory in these events will automatically rotate as markdowns end and new items are discounted.

Offer meaningful discounts
• Carefully consider the discount you’d like to offer so that your buyers feel like they’re getting a good deal. This will create a positive seller experience that may produce return customers.

Targeted campaigns
• Avoid running one promotion for your entire shop. Instead, try to run targeted campaigns for specific categories or brands. If promotions are used for an entire shop, buyers are often shown unrelated items that they have no interest in.

Percentage discounts
• Using percentage discounts is a great way to sell items with a lower value amount as they give you more control over the level of discount.

Time your sale
• Consider which times peak in which months and align your promotions with sport events, Christmas, Black Friday, etc.

Consider your stock quantities and item costs
• Make sure you have enough stock before putting items on sale, and choose pick items where you can retain a useful profit margin.



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