

I would like to explain that ebay company itself is not selling anything except their services of matching seller & buyer of a particular product listed on their site. this is called on-line [ e-commerce] store.


Being service provider [ebay]  they have certainly framed rules-regulations to protect user's [ BUYER AS WELL AS SELLER ] interest.


From your wordings of your complaint & your feedback rating [1] on ebay, i am sure this is your first purchase through ebay which you did,without any home-work i.e.without reading/understang ebay"s rules/guidelines/help/resoluation center mechanisam etc....


I would like to explain in a more simple way i.g. how much care/pre-purchase survey/inquiries you make while you go in your place/other place personally ? you ask many things to the seller.& then purchase.


Here you have to read,re-read,understand about product description/seller,seller's ratings. ebay customer protection rules [ can be referred mostly on every ebay pages.]


Without doing these, you have done purchase & you might have not approached customer resolutation center within set time frame.


I think, this is explained simply.Even though if u feel more help is needed, :-[1] provide basic data such as -dts. of your purchase,making payment,item receipt,approaching customer resolutation center,etc...

[2] provide ebay"s responses text if any....


if you provide these things, i may be helpful to some extent.

